Happy Friday Everyone!
This week has been so crazy! We had unexpected snow on Tuesday and then we had a "major" snow storm Wednesday night. I've only worked Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week. I don't know about y'all but I am so ready for warmer weather and sunshine!
I am so excited for date night tonight! Sam and I got tickets to go see the Washington Capitals vs. Carolina Hurricanes hockey game tonight! I picked up this tickets during lunch today and i'm pretty sure our seats are awesome! If you haven't been to a hockey game before I say definitely give it a try even if you don't enjoy watching the games on TV watching it in person is so much fun! Not to mention, there are so cute hockey players! It's okay, Sam knows who my faves are! LOL
I've been debating on signing up for Stitch Fix for the past several months and today I finally broke down and did it. I was so torn because I really love to go shopping but I also really love to get packages in the mail. I got paid today and also received a surprise bonus so I thought what the heck. If I don't like it I can send everything back. Knowing me I am sure that I'll love everything, which could result in a problem! I scheduled my first Fix for March 9th, i'll be sure to let y'all know how it goes!
For those of you who have Stitch Fix i'd love to hear you opinions!
Have a wonderful and safe weekend everyone! I'll catch up with you guys on Monday!
Working mom, wife, daughter, sister trying to juggle every day life. I love coffee, high heels, red wine and cuddling with my super cute baby girl.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Planning Sadie's 1st Birthday Party
I cannot believe that my baby is going to be a year old next month. Seriously, where does the time go?! It's true what they say, time goes by quicker the older you get. Would time please SLOW DOWN!
Sam called me while I was at work yesterday to let me know that Sadie has a new trick, she is standing all by herself, without holding on to anything! I feel like we are going to have a walker on our hands before we know it. Then we are in real trouble!
As much as it saddens (and excites me) that my baby girl is growing up I am looking forward to planning her 1st Birthday Party! I love a party and I love to plan things so it's a win win in my book!
I'm thinking we will do a Ladybug theme since her nickname is Sadie Bug or Buggy. I have no idea when or why I started calling her Buggy, but now everyone calls her Buggy! I'm sure she will love that when she gets older. Ask my sister what my Dad and I have called her for the past 22 years. Hint, it rhymes with sink.
My sister-in-law sent me the cutest Ladybug invitations last night. They can be found HERE.I'm pretty sure I need to buy these.
And this tutu is a must! It can be found HERE
It's called the Funky Monkey Birthday Tutu set....how stinkin' cute is that?!
And of course I will need to make this
Having a little one is just too much fun - most days that is!
What have you done for your child's 1st Birthday?
Monday, February 23, 2015
Our little secret...
I guess it's time to let everyone in on a little secret. It's a secret that I don't tell many people. Actually, besides our family I think only a handful of people know. Honestly, it's something that I am a little embarrassed about even though I shouldn't be.
Drum Roll Please.....
We live with my in-laws!!!!!!
There I said it! Yes, my husband, Sadie, RG and I live with my in-laws. We are hoping that this is only a temporary situation. First, let me say that I have a wonderful relationship with my in-laws. They have treated me like their own daughter for the past 9 years. I am truly blessed to have such amazing people in my life.
Let me take you back to the beginning. We moved in with my in-laws towards the end of August. It was hands down one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Saying goodbye to the apartment that Sam and I had lived in for almost 5 years, the place where we cried many tears and shared so much joy, the apartment that we brought Sadie home to, was gut wrenching for both of us, but it needed to be done. You see, Sadie was born prematurely at 36 weeks. I suffered from a placenta abruption and my doctor had to perform an emergency c-section. It was truly the most horrifying (yet amazing) day of my life. Sadie was born perfectly healthy and I had a wonderful recovery. Even with insurance her dramatic birth cost us a small fortunate (thank goodness for payment plans!). We knew our lease was going to be up and we didn't know what we were going to do. I was the main income for my family and even though I made decent money it was a real struggle. I expressed my fear of being homeless to Sam more times than I can remember. He assured me that would never happen to us. Deep down I knew he was right. It wasn't until 3 weeks before we had to move that Sam called me letting me know that his parents had so graciously offered us their home. They thought it would be a good idea for us to live with them while we payed off some of our debt. I cried and cried and cried some more. I was incredibly thankful!
I will admit that it's not always easy. There are many different personalities living under one roof and we all have a certain way we run our daily lives. However, we do have a lot of fun! I enjoy the big family dinners and the evenings when we all sit on the couch and watch TV together. Trust me, I am not sugar coating it at all. There have many nights where I get so upset and cry, wanting to have our own home again. And some days I just want to take my bra off when I get home or feel comfortable walking from the bathroom to the bedroom in a towel! I have to tell myself and Sam that this is not our forever, that it is letting us pay off some bills and get to the point where we can live comfortably on our own again.
So, if my in-laws ever read this, please know that I am so incredibly grateful for all of your love and support! Thank you!
What about ya'll, has anyone lived with their in-laws before? If so, do you have any funny stories?
Drum Roll Please.....
We live with my in-laws!!!!!!
There I said it! Yes, my husband, Sadie, RG and I live with my in-laws. We are hoping that this is only a temporary situation. First, let me say that I have a wonderful relationship with my in-laws. They have treated me like their own daughter for the past 9 years. I am truly blessed to have such amazing people in my life.
Let me take you back to the beginning. We moved in with my in-laws towards the end of August. It was hands down one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Saying goodbye to the apartment that Sam and I had lived in for almost 5 years, the place where we cried many tears and shared so much joy, the apartment that we brought Sadie home to, was gut wrenching for both of us, but it needed to be done. You see, Sadie was born prematurely at 36 weeks. I suffered from a placenta abruption and my doctor had to perform an emergency c-section. It was truly the most horrifying (yet amazing) day of my life. Sadie was born perfectly healthy and I had a wonderful recovery. Even with insurance her dramatic birth cost us a small fortunate (thank goodness for payment plans!). We knew our lease was going to be up and we didn't know what we were going to do. I was the main income for my family and even though I made decent money it was a real struggle. I expressed my fear of being homeless to Sam more times than I can remember. He assured me that would never happen to us. Deep down I knew he was right. It wasn't until 3 weeks before we had to move that Sam called me letting me know that his parents had so graciously offered us their home. They thought it would be a good idea for us to live with them while we payed off some of our debt. I cried and cried and cried some more. I was incredibly thankful!
I will admit that it's not always easy. There are many different personalities living under one roof and we all have a certain way we run our daily lives. However, we do have a lot of fun! I enjoy the big family dinners and the evenings when we all sit on the couch and watch TV together. Trust me, I am not sugar coating it at all. There have many nights where I get so upset and cry, wanting to have our own home again. And some days I just want to take my bra off when I get home or feel comfortable walking from the bathroom to the bedroom in a towel! I have to tell myself and Sam that this is not our forever, that it is letting us pay off some bills and get to the point where we can live comfortably on our own again.
So, if my in-laws ever read this, please know that I am so incredibly grateful for all of your love and support! Thank you!
What about ya'll, has anyone lived with their in-laws before? If so, do you have any funny stories?
Weekend Recap
My goodness, what a crazy Monday it's been! I knew it was going to be a long day when the pup woke up at 4am and then I had to get up at 6am for work. I managed to go back to sleep after I took him out. Sam felt bad because he didn't realize it was Monday and I had to get up super early. Sadie woke up screaming so he was tending to her while I was getting ready for work. My hair didn't get dried and I'm not wearing the outfit that I wanted to wear so my whole day has been kinda blah thus far. Okay, Monday rant over! I'm glad I got that out. :) I am excited to watch The Voice tonight. I kinda wish Gwen was coming back. I have to admit that I am not the biggest Christina fan. Oh well, it's still a fun show to watch!
This weekend was pretty low key. Saturday I got up with Sadie and made her breakfast which she threw on the floor! While she ate (fed the dogs!)I made my new Juice Plus shake. OMG it is so good! I am always leery of buying a product before I try it but I really trust my girl friend who recommend this product to me. It is one of the best meal replacement shakes I have ever tried. I bought the Dutch Chocolate and French Vanilla. Both are very tasty but like most women, I prefer the chocolate. To increase the calories I added skim milk and peanut butter. It seriously taste like a chocolate peanut butter milkshake and it's healthy for you!! Win Win.
Sadie learned to put her foot in her mouth Saturday night. Kid is pretty talented!
We went to Banana Republic Saturday afternoon and of course I fell in love with everything in the store, but what I really loved was this military jacket! It's a little expensive but maybe it'll go on sale. A girl can wish, can't she!?
Yesterday we went to a friends house to watch the Daytona 500. I don't think many of us watched the race, especially us girls. I was glad that everyone on Sam's race team finally got to meet Sadie. Sadie even had a little friend there to play with. It was really fun to watch the two girls interact. Much to my surprise they both played very nicely! Somehow the girls got a hold of empty soda bottles and my child pretends to drink out of it. I promise we do not let her have soda at home!
We got home around 6pm and hoped that Sadie would take a nap but that didn't happen. We did the usual Sunday night chores, laundry, cleaned up a little and put away the massive amount of clothing that adds up throughout the week. It amazes me how much laundry we do! Sam and I had planned on cooking last night, but I think we were all just too tired so he ran to our favorite Mexican restaurant to pick up takeout. It was so yummy! We were all in bed pretty early last night and I plan to do the same tonight.
I hope everyone had a wonderful relaxing weekend!
This weekend was pretty low key. Saturday I got up with Sadie and made her breakfast which she threw on the floor! While she ate (fed the dogs!)I made my new Juice Plus shake. OMG it is so good! I am always leery of buying a product before I try it but I really trust my girl friend who recommend this product to me. It is one of the best meal replacement shakes I have ever tried. I bought the Dutch Chocolate and French Vanilla. Both are very tasty but like most women, I prefer the chocolate. To increase the calories I added skim milk and peanut butter. It seriously taste like a chocolate peanut butter milkshake and it's healthy for you!! Win Win.
Sadie learned to put her foot in her mouth Saturday night. Kid is pretty talented!
We went to Banana Republic Saturday afternoon and of course I fell in love with everything in the store, but what I really loved was this military jacket! It's a little expensive but maybe it'll go on sale. A girl can wish, can't she!?
Yesterday we went to a friends house to watch the Daytona 500. I don't think many of us watched the race, especially us girls. I was glad that everyone on Sam's race team finally got to meet Sadie. Sadie even had a little friend there to play with. It was really fun to watch the two girls interact. Much to my surprise they both played very nicely! Somehow the girls got a hold of empty soda bottles and my child pretends to drink out of it. I promise we do not let her have soda at home!
We got home around 6pm and hoped that Sadie would take a nap but that didn't happen. We did the usual Sunday night chores, laundry, cleaned up a little and put away the massive amount of clothing that adds up throughout the week. It amazes me how much laundry we do! Sam and I had planned on cooking last night, but I think we were all just too tired so he ran to our favorite Mexican restaurant to pick up takeout. It was so yummy! We were all in bed pretty early last night and I plan to do the same tonight.
I hope everyone had a wonderful relaxing weekend!
Friday, February 20, 2015
National Love Your Pet Day
I had no idea it was National Love Your Pet Day until The Limited mentioned it in a post on Twitter this morning. Speaking of The Limited, did anyone watch Scandal last night? OMG SO GOOD!!! I cannot wait until next week. I recently bought a couple pieces from The Limited's Scandal collection and I absolutely love it! It's a little expensive so I can't buy too many pieces.
Okay, so in honor of National Love Your Pet Day this post is dedicated to my sweet, wild 2 year old pup, RG.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Snow Day Fun
TGIT! Thursday is probably one of my favorite days of the week. Probably because I get to watch Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder tonight! Woohoo!!
For those of you on the East Coast, I hope everyone stayed warm and safe during our winter storm this week. Us Southerns mainly sleet with about a half inch of snow. I have to admit I was pretty disappointed in the lack of snow. Nonetheless, I've had the past two days off work so I can't complain!
The past two days have been pretty lazy! I didn't even wash my hair until this morning....gross!!
Sadie did get to experience her first snow. She was less than thrilled!
For those of you on the East Coast, I hope everyone stayed warm and safe during our winter storm this week. Us Southerns mainly sleet with about a half inch of snow. I have to admit I was pretty disappointed in the lack of snow. Nonetheless, I've had the past two days off work so I can't complain!
The past two days have been pretty lazy! I didn't even wash my hair until this morning....gross!!
Sadie did get to experience her first snow. She was less than thrilled!
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Really Mom?! |
Monday, February 16, 2015
Valentine's Day Weekend Recap
I know it's not much but I am so excited to announce that it is finally snowing in NC!
I've watched the news several times today and quite honestly I don't think anyone really knows what we are going to end up with. Some news stations say all snow, others say snow, sleet and freezing rain. I can certainly do without the ice. I drive about an hour to work everyday so I am pretty sure tomorrow is going to be a snow day for me! It's pretty peaceful in the house right now. Sadie is taking a little nap, the dogs are snoring and my hubby is playing a video game. Does anyone else have a husband that still plays video games?!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day weekend! We usually don't do much for Valentine's Day but this year Sam surprised me with Eric Church concert tickets!! I was beyond surprised! The concert isn't until the end of April so I definitely have something to look forward to!
While Sam was still sleeping Saturday morning Sadie and I got up early to make him Valentine's Day crafts. Disclaimer, I am not crafty at all so this was a big deal for me! ;)
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Please excuse my messy bathroom! |
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Hello Blondie! |
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This picture melts my heart! |
Sunday was a pretty lazy day for us. Sadie and I took a little nap yesterday afternoon then braved the grocery store in preparation for Snowmageddon 2015! We got the usual staples, milk, bread, eggs, but also bought stuff to make meals all week. I am on a strict budget this week, so no Starbucks for this girl. I'm not sure i'll make it! Sam and I watched the SNL 40th Anniversary Special last night. Some skits were so funny, like Jeopardy but other's not so much. I was really hoping to see Nsync and Backstreet Boys and once I found out they were not going to be performing I went to bed! Was anyone else upset this reunion didn't happen?!
Time to go check on dinner! We decide to make a big pot of Chili since the weather is cold and snowy! I can't wait to dig in and enjoy a glass of wine! For those of you getting winter weather tonight, be safe and enjoy it while it last.
Who's Who
Happy Monday ya'll!! We are actually expecting snow today! Living in the South we don't really get to see a lot of snow so when a "Winter Storm" is going to hit I get really excited and yes I am now that girl who needs to rush to the store to buy milk, eggs and bread! Ya'll would never know I was originally from Maryland, would ya?!
Okay I feel like I need to give you a who's who in my family.
Okay I feel like I need to give you a who's who in my family.
This super cute little girl is Sadie! Also know as Sadie Bug or Buggy. This picture was when she was about 4 days old. We had to spend almost a week in the hospital due her dramatic entrance. I may be biased but I think she is the cutest, sweetest, funniest little girl in the world! I can't believe my baby will be a year old next month. I wish I could keep her small for awhile longer.
This is me with my favorite little girl!
And this handsome man is Sam, my hubby of 5 years! This was actually take from our wedding.What a wonderful day!
Last but not least is our 4 legged little guy. His name is RG, Also known as G. G was named after RG3 of the Washington Redskins. Sam and I are huge Skins fans and RG3 was a badass QB the year Sam surprised me with RG. This little guy was a wonderful Christmas present and he will always be my fur baby. Note to self...never ever name a pet or a kid after an athlete whose only in their rookie season!
There you have it everyone! I am looking forward to sharing more about me and my family on this blog! I'm also really excited to hopefully connect with other working mamas!
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Red wine, sleeping baby and the Grammy's
Happy Sunday Y'all! I'm not sure about everyone else but I am kinda ready to get back to work tomorrow. I usually don't feel this way on Sunday evenings but man it's been a looooooong weekend!
Hubby went out of town to visit his buddies this weekend, my 10 month old little girl is teething something fierce and my dogs have been out of control! I am pretty sure my husband should be walking in the door in about 2 minutes. Can you tell I've been counting down the minutes until his arrival?! Sadie is finally asleep and I'm enjoying a glass of wine and watching the Grammy's. I'm not totally impressed. I have so much respect for single parents. Y'all, I didn't even shower today! Gross!! I was thinking while I was brushing my teeth how do single parents get to care for themselves or accomplish daily tasks? It makes me feel so incredibly lucky to have all the help that we do. We are so blessed to have both of our families live in the same town. Actually, we are currently living with my in-laws. That's another post, definitely not one for a Sunday night. I'll need a couple of glasses of wine to write that one!
So far, I am really enjoying using Blogger. I started using Wordpress awhile ago and it just wasn't very user friendly for me. I use Google for everything else so why not give this a try. I am super excited to purchase my domain next this week. I started doing it tonight but a certain little girl was a little fussy! I've only given her Tylenol for her teeth has anyone had any experience with other teething remedies? I'm always so nervous giving her anything.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and if you're in the South, enjoyed this beautiful weather we were so fortunate to have today. Many of my Tar Heels credit the late and great Dean Smith for the Carolina blue sky we had today. May he Rest in Peace.
Hubby went out of town to visit his buddies this weekend, my 10 month old little girl is teething something fierce and my dogs have been out of control! I am pretty sure my husband should be walking in the door in about 2 minutes. Can you tell I've been counting down the minutes until his arrival?! Sadie is finally asleep and I'm enjoying a glass of wine and watching the Grammy's. I'm not totally impressed. I have so much respect for single parents. Y'all, I didn't even shower today! Gross!! I was thinking while I was brushing my teeth how do single parents get to care for themselves or accomplish daily tasks? It makes me feel so incredibly lucky to have all the help that we do. We are so blessed to have both of our families live in the same town. Actually, we are currently living with my in-laws. That's another post, definitely not one for a Sunday night. I'll need a couple of glasses of wine to write that one!
So far, I am really enjoying using Blogger. I started using Wordpress awhile ago and it just wasn't very user friendly for me. I use Google for everything else so why not give this a try. I am super excited to purchase my domain next this week. I started doing it tonight but a certain little girl was a little fussy! I've only given her Tylenol for her teeth has anyone had any experience with other teething remedies? I'm always so nervous giving her anything.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and if you're in the South, enjoyed this beautiful weather we were so fortunate to have today. Many of my Tar Heels credit the late and great Dean Smith for the Carolina blue sky we had today. May he Rest in Peace.
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