Thursday, February 19, 2015

Snow Day Fun

TGIT! Thursday is probably one of my favorite days of the week. Probably because I get to watch Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder tonight! Woohoo!!

For those of you on the East Coast, I hope everyone stayed warm and safe during our winter storm this week. Us Southerns mainly sleet with about a half inch of snow. I have to admit I was pretty disappointed in the lack of snow. Nonetheless, I've had the past two days off work so I can't complain!

The past two days have been pretty lazy! I didn't even wash my hair until this morning....gross!!

Sadie did get to experience her first snow. She was less than thrilled!
Really Mom?!

Can you tell whose more excited?

I did get to indulge in a little me time. Some days there is nothing I love more than a hot bubble bath and a glass of wine! 

We also ran to Target and Kohl's yesterday to get out of the house. We didn't buy anything. Just went for the heck of it!

Somehow she always end's up trying hats on when we go to Target! Usually it's me who puts them on her but yesterday it was her Daddy! She also managed to steal my cup of water from Starbucks! Sneaky little girl! ;) 

We ended up making Chicken Parmesan for dinner.. It was so good! I'll post the recipe for ya'll later on. And of course I had to celebrate National Wine Day with my favorite local NC wine, RayLen. If you live in NC and haven't tried it I definitely recommend you stop by Harris Teeter on your way home! 

Category 5 is a blend but there are several different types to try.

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